Flight Log


Nova Payloader (2) flight 56

Q-Jet C12-6. Chute caught on fin and tangled resulting in a hard landing and one broken fin.
Posted by: bcawley1, Bernard

Nova Payloader (2) flight 55

Sixty Acres North. Q-Jet C12-6. ~3mph winds. I have no idea why the graph looks like this.....! 850 feet is a plausible apogee....though a bit higher than I've been seeing with this model/motor combo recently (see the next flight which was the same configuration including the payload). Some of the other reported data are, well, amusing.
Posted by: bcawley1, Bernard

Shark B6-4

Posted by: gtg738w, Russ

Shark A8-3

Posted by: gtg738w, Russ

2019-03-24 Nova Payloader(2) flight_54

Sixty Acres North. Q-Jet C12-6. AltimeterThree reported 790 ft.
Posted by: bcawley1, Bernard


Sixty Acres North. Estes C6-5. AltimeterThree reported 704 ft. MicroPeak reported 214.5 m. (703.7 ft). 70 degrees and light breeze.
Posted by: bcawley1, Bernard


Download after power off.
Posted by: bcawley1, Bernard


Sixty Acres North. Q-Jet D16-6. What happened to the data? App data display showed zero after the flight but it looks like the download was OK. Apogee was shown in screen recording as model was descending, then connection was lost after it touched down, and when it was reacquired all were zeroed out. But the data look good.
Posted by: bcawley1, Bernard


Sixty Acres North. Q-Jet C12-6. 61 degrees. ~3 mph winds.
Posted by: bcawley1, Bernard


Sixty Acres North. Estes C6-5. 62 degrees and light winds.
Posted by: bcawley1, Bernard