Flight Log


Viper 2.0

Posted by: gregc, Greg

LOC 5.5" Goblin

On a K400-11 G. Simmed 4699 ft @ 778 ft/s. Pretty sure it didn't get a boost to mach. Not sure what could have caused that. Nominal flight.
Posted by: Seasonticket, Jay

Big Rage Nov 4 2021

This flight was conducted at Dove Valley Regional Park, Centennial, Colorado, using a modified Quest Big Rage model rocket. Motor used was Estes C6-5. The model also carried an 808 keychain video camera. At ejection, the parachutes didn't eject from the rocket body, so the model free-fell in break-apart mode, thus the erratic descent form of the flight profile. Flight duration was only a little over 15 seconds. Luckily, both the model and payload survived undamaged.
Posted by: eamitton, EDWARD

Zephyr Jr. Micro Flight 3 - 11/5/2021

C6-5. Monster flight! New record! Ran the same chute configuration and it deployed perfectly. Used white masking tape for the motor and had no issues. Great flight!
Posted by: kduncan, Kevin

Wizard Flight 10 - 11/5/2021

A8-3. Attempted black electrical tape to hold in the motor. It worked, but left a gooey residue. Won't try that again. Packed the chute differently (wrapped shroud around the folded chute. Worked perfectly! Landed within 10' of where the Bandit 2 landed. Great flight!
Posted by: kduncan, Kevin

Posted by: eamitton, EDWARD

Bandit 2 Flight 3 - 11/6/2021

A3-4T. Great flight, but 6" chute didn't open fully. Safe landing near the pad. Good flight!
Posted by: kduncan, Kevin

Red Max B4-2

60 Acres Park 11-3-21
Posted by: Bruce,

Asterion C6-5

60 Acres 11-3-21
Posted by: Bruce,

Rocketry Works Socrates (2) flight 3

Posted by: bcawley1, Bernard