Flight Log


Lotus 3

G76G with tree landing
Posted by: JCBanks523,

Boosted Bertha C11/C6-5

Posted by: rockets4fun, David

Loc Magg 3.1

'Barely' upscale Loc Nano Magg, using 3.1" tubing and fins scaled accordingly. Dry weight 471 grams / 16.6 ounces. Maiden flight with an AeroTech F-40 White Lightning, drilled to 6 second delay. Motor slow to come up to pressure.
Posted by: David_Stack,

Nova Payloader (5) flight 118

C6-5. Nice straight boost with barely any roll. Much ventilated ASP sport ‘chute still doing its job. Very nice overall flight for this well-worn and much-repaired model.
Posted by: bcawley1, Bernard

Checkmate(3) flight 17

A10-0T to A3-6T. Just about as nominal as it gets on this one. Nice flight.
Posted by: bcawley1, Bernard

Yellow Alpha flight 21

B6-6. Dollar Tree wrapping ‘chute didn’t open, but still a safe descent. Actual delay 5.1s.
Posted by: bcawley1, Bernard

Yankee Flight 17 - 4/15/2023

A8-3. Using a 6" plastic chute, it deployed, but didn't open up. Rocket came down hard and broke 1 fin.
Posted by: kduncan, Kevin

Wizard Retro Flight 3 - 4/15/2023

A8-3. Good flight on a new 12" Mylar chute. Perfect flight.
Posted by: kduncan, Kevin

Wizard 1 Flight 18 - 4/15/2023

A8-3. Shock Cord separated and the rocket fell pretty hard. Broke 2 fins off on landing.
Posted by: kduncan, Kevin

Yellow Alpha flight 20

C12-8FJ. Boosted right to the edge of visibility, then disappeared after ejection. Found later on the ground not all that far away. 'Chute turned itself into a streamer. Note that actual delay was over 9 seconds.
Posted by: bcawley1, Bernard