Flight Log


Enerjet 24 two stage d12-0 to d12-7

Flown at 60 acres park in redmond wa
Posted by: Toby_nagata,

Prometheus 6 L3 Cert Flight

Prometheus 6 L3 Flight
Posted by: JCBanks523,

Loc Athena

Loc Athena on an H195. Delay drilled to 10 seconds. Altimeter appears to have shut down (low temps?) after Apogee.
Posted by: k35tr3l,

Apache-2 Flight 5

B6-0 to A8-5
Posted by: bcawley1, Bernard

Wanderer 2.0 Sixty Acres Flight 2

CTI E22-6 Smoky Sam. Chute Release didn’t get out of the nose cone so no ‘chute. But no damage, just mud. With @boatgeek.
Posted by: bcawley1, Bernard

Nova Payloader (5) flight 91

Estes C6-5. Pitched NW into the wind. ‘Chute split into two sections (this had been coming for some time). Broke one fin, near a previous break, on landing. Chute is now replaced with new ASP neon sport ‘chute.
Posted by: bcawley1, Bernard

Titan II/Gemini Flight 3 - 12/18/2021

A8-3. Erroneous data on the FS Mini. Flight went well. Landed vertically in a bush, which is good because the chute didn't fully open. Came down more like a streamer.
Posted by: kduncan, Kevin

Viking 2 Flight 3 - 12/18/2021

A8-3. Repaired fin. Flew great and the chute opened for once! (6" Estes plastic chute). Nice flight!
Posted by: kduncan, Kevin

Solaris Flight 4 - 12/18/2021

C6-3. Redemption flight. Crashed yesterday (thought it was terminal). Chopped a 1/2 inch of each end of the tube and glued it back together along with a new kevlar shock cord. Flew fantastic!
Posted by: kduncan, Kevin

Blue Origin Flight 2 - 12/18/2021

C6-3. SCRS (Santa Claus Rocket System) flight. Carrying Tiny Mate of Chipper Jones. Kevlar shock cord burned through at ejection and the booster separated from the capsule and parachute. Fortunately, the booster landed in a bush sustaining no damage and the capsule came down gently under the 18" parachute. Chipper survived!
Posted by: kduncan, Kevin