Flight Log


NASA SLS Flight 5 - 9/25/2021

C6-3 Motor. Pretty windy and the rocket weathervaned pretty strong, but it held it's own. More horizontal than usual cause a lower apogee, but the chute still had time to deploy (barely). Flew a 24" Apogee chute. Nice landing, but one clear plastic leg got pushed up 1/4" higher than normal into the SRB. No big deal. Nice flight.
Posted by: kduncan, Kevin

SOLAR GRAPPLE.....09/25/2021.....D12-3

Posted by: DouglasKM,


Posted by: DouglasKM,

Zephyr Jr. Micro Flight 1 - 9/25/2021

A8-3 Motor. Maiden flight. Fantastic ascent! 2 grams of clay in nose helped CG. 6" plastic chute got a little tied up and spun very fast on the descent. Rocket landed fine, but there was a crinkle at the top of the body tube. Unsure of what caused it. Right where the nosecone pops out from....... Great maiden flight!
Posted by: kduncan, Kevin

Solaris Flight 2 - 9/25/2021

B6-4 Motor. A bit windy, but rocket handled it well. Flew both altimeters (FlightSketch Mini and Jolly Logic 2). 3' difference in readings, 12" chute deployed nicely. Great flight!
Posted by: kduncan, Kevin

Posted by: Galantvr41062,

Nova Payloader (5) flight 82

Estes C6-5. All nominal.
Posted by: bcawley1, Bernard

Super Mars Snooper flight 3

Estes D12-5. Seriously tangled up but landed with no damage.
Posted by: bcawley1, Bernard

Rocketry Works Socrates flight 5

Estes A8-3
Posted by: bcawley1, Bernard

Rocketry Works Socrates flight 4

Q-Jet C18-6. Nose cone/altimeter came down separately.
Posted by: bcawley1, Bernard