Flight Log


Chiefs BB flight 15

Q-Jet C12-4. Pretty nominal flight (in contrast to the last one). Ejection a bit early. AltimeterThree reported 545 feet. MicroPeak reported 168.4m (552.2 feet).
Posted by: bcawley1, Bernard

Chiefs BB flight 14

Q-jet C12-4. Hung on rod for most of burn, then broke loose. 'Chute ejected about 40 feet up. No damage, just mud to remove. AltimeterThree graph showed 112 feet. MicroPeak reported 33.5m (109.9 feet).
Posted by: bcawley1, Bernard

Tazz flight 2

Estes C6-5. Weathercocked a bit to the south. Good deployment of pod/streamer (a little late) and proper spinning recovery of model.
Posted by: bcawley1, Bernard

Green Eggs flight 1

Estes D12-5. Chute ejected but decided not to open. However no damage, and egg was fine.
Posted by: bcawley1, Bernard

Posted by: WISE,

MAV Flight 2

Q-jet C12-4. Good quick boost. Deployment OK but a little 'chute meltage so kind of a spinny descent. No other damage.
Posted by: bcawley1, Bernard

Alpha Flight 84

Estes B6-4. Nice straight boost with a little roll. Good deployment and 'chute. Winds so light....almost landed right back at my table (which was ~50 feet from the pad).
Posted by: bcawley1, Bernard

Posted by: WISE,

Air Walker Flight 19

C12-4. Good straight boost this time. Deploy a bit early (as intended). Pnut reported 839 feet. Adrel BMP reported 257.4m @15 C (844.5 ft.)
Posted by: bcawley1, Bernard

Air Walker Flight 18

Q-jet C12-4. Model tipped off to south (I don't really know why). Was moving at a pretty good clip nearly horizontally at ejection. Stripped one shroud on the 'chute. Pnut aboard reported 602 feet. Adrel BMP aboard reported 183.4m @ 15 deg. C. (601.7ft)
Posted by: bcawley1, Bernard