AirWalker flight 13 (from Android)
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Flight Weather:
40.9 ˚F
48.0 %
Cloud Cover:
Avg Wind:
9.6 mph
Wind Gust:
14.3 mph
Wind Direction:
3.0 ˚
Flight Stats:
924.8 ft
Max Speed:
327.9 ft/s
Avg. Descent Rate:
16.5 ft/s
Time to Burnout:
0.88 s
Time to Apogee:
7.2 s
Total Flight Time:
63.24 s
Flight Description:
In the light. Q-Jet C12-6. Note that this was uploaded many days after the flight so the automatic weather info here does not match the actual flight data. Data posted shortly after the actual flight here:
Flight Photos: