Green Eggs (2) flight 7

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Flight Weather:


58.1 ˚F


36.0 %

Cloud Cover:

100.0 %

Avg Wind:

5.0 mph

Wind Gust:

9.0 mph

Wind Direction:

360.0 ˚

Flight Stats:


1197.8 ft

Max Speed:

374.3 ft/s

Avg. Descent Rate:

32.6 ft/s

Time to Burnout:

1.16 s

Time to Apogee:

7.98 s

Total Flight Time:

44.74 s

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Flight Description:

Q-Jet E26-7W. Straighter boost, but after ejection everything got all tangled up. Motor was ejected and side of body blown out again. It all landed in a tangled mess. Scrambled egg.

Flight Photos: