Mini Hustler Flight 17

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Flight Weather:


59.342 ˚F


35.0 %

Cloud Cover:


Avg Wind:

5.749 mph

Wind Gust:

6.219 mph

Wind Direction:

340.0 ˚

Flight Stats:


681.718 ft

Max Speed:

263.575 ft/s

Avg. Descent Rate:

18.667 ft/s

Time to Burnout:

0.66 s

Time to Apogee:

6.24 s

Total Flight Time:

42.761 s

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Flight Description:

Q-Jet C12-6. Four other altimeters aboard. Pnut reported 676 feet. MicroPeak reported 208.1m (683 ft.), Adrel reported 206.2m (676.5 ft.) AltimeterThree reported 677 feet. Nice quick straight boost. Good deployment just over the top and a nice landing.

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