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Flight Weather:
79.0 ˚F
38.0 %
Cloud Cover:
Avg Wind:
4.6 mph
Wind Gust:
4.6 mph
Wind Direction:
Flight Stats:
384.1 ft
Max Speed:
151.3 ft/s
Avg. Descent Rate:
9.8 ft/s
Time to Burnout:
1.52 s
Time to Apogee:
5.82 s
Total Flight Time:
45.2 s
Flight Description:
Loc 3.9 inch V-2 with G72DM motor.
Started with 14 second delay. But I drilled out 8 seconds leaving 6 seconds but ejected at 12 seconds. I am sure I went deep enough, but apparently did not remove enough material.
Chute deployed about 1 second after landing nose first into dirt.
Only damaged body tube.
Flight Photos: