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Flight Weather:
64.976 ˚F
53.0 %
Cloud Cover:
76.0 %
Avg Wind:
2.282 mph
Wind Gust:
5.637 mph
Wind Direction:
186.0 ˚
Flight Stats:
462.856 ft
Max Speed:
686.159 ft/s
Avg. Descent Rate:
13.8 ft/s
Time to Burnout:
0.96 s
Time to Apogee:
1.1 s
Total Flight Time:
34.641 s
Flight Description:
QJ D16-4. Again note that the model has no static ports - hence the big blip in the graphs from the ejection charge action.
Flight was nice and straight with deployment just a touch early. Will use D12-6 next time.
Picture courtesy of Larry Kennedy.
Flight Photos: